Tuesday 4 February 2014

Our beloved Chester

This is my entry to Conny's art challenge, Mix it Monthly. We had to paint our pet. I have done mine in pencils, as I wanted to see if I could get the effect of fur.
Doing this picture, has made us all remember how much we miss our little man who left us in November.


  1. Wonderful drawing - I'm sorry you lost him. Pets become part of our families

  2. Oh so sorry...It is so hard to lose a beloved kitty. he was most handsome. xox

  3. oh I am so sorry for your lost -
    a fantastic drawing !

  4. I love your drawing! I have a black and white kitty too. I am so sorry that you lost you beloved pet. I have had my black and white kitty whose name is Sugar for 18 years! His name is Sugar because he is so sweet. He still loves to go in and out of the house. This year he will be 19 and that just amazes me that he still just keeps on going!

  5. Oh Yvonne what a gorgeous painting you did!! Love the perspective and you did a great job on his fur...and look at his expression! What a nice one...so sad to hear he is in cats paradies. I have had a dog for 15 years and lost her 14 years ago and she is ever loved and visit me in my dreams from time to time :) Love your are making art with us on Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

  6. A beautiful drawing of your beloved Chester. So sorry you had to let him go.

  7. You did draw a beautiful cat. Love it.

  8. I´m so sorry for your lost! But you have create a wonderful portrait of your cat!
