Wednesday, 29 January 2014

The most excellent way.

There are lots of ways one can go in this life, but to choose the most excellent way is indeed a great privilege. 

Compliments to the master.....Kelly Rae.

I so love Kelly Rae's style. Her ladies are so serene and elegant. Well I just had to paint one! I'm not sure of the legalities involved in copying, but I sure had fun doing this lady. I hope I can find my own style one day. Until then, I thank all the lovely artist's out there, that put their work out there for others to learn from. The internet is amazing!!  I need to do some finishing touches and probably add some text.
BTW. Got the results back from my neck biopsies, and they were all OK. Phew. I'm very thankful to God, and realise how different today would be if the results were different. Today is a good day.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Sweltering heat.

It's been stinking hot here in Brissie this past week. The sort of hot, humid weather where you sweat at the least exertion. Needless to say I am keeping exertion to a minimum. Housework can wait! Salads are the order of the day, and it's best practice to stay indoors and definately out of the sun. Yesterday I  had to go for a fine needle biopsy on two lumps I found in my neck. I will not get the results until next week, so I am staying positive and taking comfort in my faith, trusting that, come what may, I have a God that will never leave me. In light of this I was thinking my one little word for 2014 is trust. It's a little word that encompasses so much, and for me it means to not get ahead of myself with the what if's and what should be's, but to know I am exactly in the place I should be. Trusting that God is always at his work, and He won't leave me where I am.
I'm also trusting my creative instinct. As I have never painted in all my 50 something years, picking up a paintbrush 3 months ago was indeed scarey. But I'm loving where it's taking me also, and I know it's
a journey as well.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Junking it up.

Here' my first go at junk journaling.... Using bibs n' bobs that you would otherwise throw out, to make something arty. I had a nice sturdy bag some cosmetics came in, so I used it to create my first piece. It had writing on the other side so I sprayed it with my new dylusion sprays, and cut some flowers out to make a card. The card stock was a happy find at the back of the cupboard. It's probably 18 years old, and made with the kids when they were little! Memories.....

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

A steep learning curve.

Having just started with this new obsession with mixed media, makes me both excited and daunted at the same time. There is so much to learn and so little time. However, I will take on board my word for this painting and just breathe. One day and one painting at a time.....
Here I have taken a lesson again from Flora Bowely's book Brave Intuitive Painting.
I am learning to go with more layering and to be "brave enough to paint over something you like to replace it with something you love." What a great lesson for life!
So picture No 1 is 2 layers, and below is the 3rd and final product. I think it works. Thanks Flora.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Loving this painting thing.

I was inspired by Kelly Rae Roberts and Flora Bowley to to this painting today.
I had lots of fun with the colours and I can't believe how it's all coming together so well. I guess it's a matter of trusting your instincts as they say, and letting go of the fear of failure. Mind you it's far from perfect... But that's part of embracing imperfection. Note the 5 o'clock shadow!
It's called, Be Still.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

My first attempt at mix it up monthly.

Silly hat challenge, using orange violet and hibiscus. Love the colours.